๐Ÿ“ฃ Oral Mediation: Marketing techniques

A friend of yours has told you that they would like learn more about marketing techniques. You found this leaflet.

marketing techniques

MEDIATION.  Speaking time: 2 minutes maximum.

  • Tell your friend about three of the tips from the leaflet that you think will be helpful.
  • Explain the reasons for choosing these tips.


Indicators of achievement: Rubric for mediation

  • Communicative purpose fully achieved
  • General ideas and relevant details are clearly transmitted
  • The speaker uses effective communication skills to get the message across
  • The speaker adapts their language to the listenerโ€™s needs by breaking up the message


  • Communicative purpose adequately achieved
  • General ideas and basic details are transmitted
  • The speaker tries to use effective communication skills to get the message across
  • The speaker generally adapts their language to the listenerโ€™s needs
  • Communicative purpose not achieved
  • Unnecessary, irrelevant and incomplete ideas are mentioned
  • The speaker makes it difficult to get the message across
  • The speaker uses an inappropriate language for the communicative situation and/or the listenerโ€™s needs


  • Limited communicative ability
  • Lack of language
  • Production does not correspond



* Those two marks are for those tasks that share descriptors from the previous and following row.