πŸ“£ Oral Production: Home Safety tips

A friend of yours has told you that they would like to make their home a safer place because houses in their neighbourhood have been broken into recently. You found this leaflet:

ORAL PRODUCTION.  Speaking time: 3 minutes maximum.

  • Give your opinion about which of the tips is the most useful and explain why
  • Describe how you make your home a safe place


Submitting your assignment: To submit your assignment you must upload an audio file with your recording of the task.

Evidence of acquisition and performance

  • The audio covers all the points and it has been successfully uploaded to the task.

Indicators of achievement: Your assignment should include an audio touching all the points required for the task.

Correction criteria:

  • See rubric


  • The teacher will check your assignments and give you a mark based on the rubic correction criteria.