๐Ÿ“ฃ Oral mediation practice: Record your summary

In class you have done the following exercise:

  1. Watch the video and take notes on what the video is about.
  2. Explain the main idea in the video.
  3. Summarize the most important information you have read.

Now record your summary.

Indicators of achievement.

Rubric for mediation

  • Communicative purpose fully achieved
  • General ideas and relevant details are clearly transmitted
  • The speaker uses effective communication skills to get the message across
  • The speaker adapts their language to the listenerโ€™s needs by breaking up the message


  • Communicative purpose adequately achieved
  • General ideas and basic details are transmitted
  • The speaker tries to use effective communication skills to get the message across
  • The speaker generally adapts their language to the listenerโ€™s needs
  • Communicative purpose not achieved
  • Unnecessary, irrelevant and incomplete ideas are mentioned
  • The speaker makes it difficult to get the message across
  • The speaker uses an inappropriate language for the communicative situation and/or the listenerโ€™s needs


  • Limited communicative ability
  • Lack of language
  • Production does not correspond