✍ Writing task: Shopping


You find the following article when surfing the net:


What Does the Future of Shopping Hold in the Fashion Industry?

Over the course of 2020, the way we shop changed forever. Today, over 25 per cent of the world’s population shops online. With this dynamic shift to online shopping and exciting technological innovations becoming available to brands all the time, the world of fashion is evolving and adapting at an impressive rate. The days of mass shopping in the traditional way have disappeared. Instead, brands are utilising technology to create personal, immersive, and remote shopping experiences. 


Finally, we can expect the future of fashion and shopping to continue to strive for greater sustainability. Fashion is becoming ever-more sustainable. Thanks to the development of more sophisticated synthetic materials such as vegan leather, fashion brands will have an increasing variety of materials to work with. This will enable them to keep working towards the sustainable practices that their customers are asking for.



You decide to write an article on the school magazine giving your opinion about it.         

You must develop the following points:

  • Describe how people shop nowadays.
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online.  

Write between 150-180 words.

Respect the word limit indicated in this task


Submitting your assignment:  To submit your assignment you must upload a pdf file with the written task.

Evidence of acquisition and performance

  • The text covers all the points mentioned above and it has been successfully uploaded to the task.

Indicators of achievement: Your assignment should include the text touching all the points required for the task.

Correction criteria:

  • See rubric


  • The teacher will check your assignment and give you a mark based on the rubric correction criteria.