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Online Exchange Project. Answers to our Slovenian mates' questions.

Today we have finished our answers to the questions our Slovenian mates asked.

We have just sent them!



Online Exchange Project. Our school.

Yesterday we sent our Slovenian mates a document with some interesting information about our school.


We hope they can learn more about us.



Online Exchange Project. Carnival pictionary

We have finished a Carnival pictionary to share with our Slovenian mates.


The pictionary shows some of our most common Carnival words.


We hope they find it interesting!





Help! Trouble in the Jungle.

On Friday the 19th of January fifth and sixth graders went to Ferrol to watch a show at the theatre.

Help! Trouble in the Jungle was a play about Zonia, a girl who has to protect the rainforest, where she lives, because a group of loggers want to cut down the tallest tree, which offers food, shelter and shade to the forest dwellers.

Zonia will only be able to stop the loggers with the help of the audience.

Students enjoyed being an important part of the show and they could also be aware of the importance of nature conservation and its impact on the environment.




Online Exchange Project. Our questions

We have just sent Slovenian students some questions.

 We want to know more details about them!




Online Exchange Project. Christmas postcards from Slovenia.

Yesterday we received the Christmas postcards our Slovenian mates sent us.


They are amazing, and their texts are paragraphs from a nursery rhyme; that was really interesting!


We liked them a lot.



Online Exchange Project. Christmas postcards

We are really excited!


We have prepared some Christmas postcards for our Slovenian mates and we have already sent them.


We hope they get them before Christmas break and we wish they like them!



Online Exchange Project. Halloween 2023

We shared how we celebrate Halloween at our school with our Slovenian Friends.


We hope they like it!



Online Exchange Project 2023/2024


Hello everyone!


This academic year 2023-2024 students in 6th grade are involved in an online Exchange Project.


Our partner school is Brusnice Primary School, in Slovenia, and we are going to share some of our festivities with the 6th graders there.


We have already introduced ourselves!






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by Dr. Radut