// LetterBlock.scad - Basic usage of text() and linear_extrude() // Module instantiation LetterBlock("CFR PONTEVEDRA"); // Module definition. // size=30 defines an optional parameter with a default value. module LetterBlock(letter, size=30) { difference() { base1(); union() { translate([0,0,1]) { // convexity is needed for correct preview // since characters can be highly concave linear_extrude(height=size, convexity=4) text(letter, size=size*22/30, font="Bitstream Vera Sans", halign="center", valign="center"); } translate([0,-30,1]) { // convexity is needed for correct preview // since characters can be highly concave linear_extrude(height=size, convexity=4) text("AULA 1", size=size*22/30, font="Bitstream Vera Sans", halign="center", valign="center"); } } } } module base1() { hull() { translate([-130,10,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); translate([130,10,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); translate([-135,-12,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); translate([135,-12,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); translate([-80,-35,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); translate([80,-35,0])cylinder(d = 20 , h = 5, $fn = 50); } }