Inglés en 6º

In Class 6 we had a really good time learning and reading about mythical creatures. We also sang a funny song from the British Council, and then some of us designed our own.

Jimmy is Yeábsira´s mythical creature. It has got many different parts: a goat´s head, a giraffe´s neck, an elephant´s body, a tyrannosaurus’s legs, a man´s arm, a rabbit´s tail, a badger´s claws… Wow!!!!!

Dani has got three dog heads, a horse´s body and a dragon´s tail. It also has got an owl´s eyes and a rabbit´s ears. Fantastic!!!!

Oriceroleo has got a rhino’s head, a lion´s body and a rabbit´s tail. Its name comes from the scientific names of rabbit, rhino and lion. It´s amazing!!!

Sand- Plant Beast has got a crocodile’s head, a tiger´s legs and a scorpion´s tail. Awesome!!!

Skelezom has got a skeleton´s head and a zombie´s body. It´s scary!!!!