english routines

 My Day

Hello, everybody! Are you ready? (Hola a todos! Estades preparados?)

1-Vocabulary: Daily routines( Rutinas diarias)

Watch and repeat ( Mira e repite)



2-Learn about the clock and telling time  .(Iamos aprender a dicir a hora)



3-What time is it for you right now? Watch this video to learn how to tell the time! 

(Qué hora é agora? Mira este video e aprende a dicir a hora)



4-Play a word game to learn and practise daily routines vocabulary. 

(Practica o vocabulario das rutinas diarias con un xogo)



5-Listen to a traditional song about the things that we do in the morning.

(Escoita unha canción tradicional sobre as cousas que facemos pola mañá)



6-What are Patrizia and Tom doing today?(Qué están Patricia e Tom facendo hoxe?)

Listen to the grammar chant and find out! (Escoita unha canción de gramática e averigua)



7-Practice vocabulary and grammar with this  interactive crocodile board game.

(Practica vocabulario y gramática con este xogo interactivo do cocodrilo)
