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A continuación tedes os enlaces a os blogs de inglés dos diferentes cursos.


Educación Infantil


1º e 2º Ed. Primaria

 Jobs 1º Ed. Primaria  Ficha 1Ficha 2

 Jobs 2º Ed. Primaria   Ficha 1Ficha 2

3º Ed. Primaria

 Job 1

Job 2



4º Ed. Primaria

 Tenéis que escribir las fichas siguientes en la libreta de Inglés y completarlas.

Luego hacéis un pantallazo o una foto y me las enviáis e mi correo:
Good luck & nice week!
Fichas   1   /  /   3

5º Ed. Primaria

 Here you are two worksheets about Jobs

You have to write them down in your notebook, complete, take a picture and sent them to my email account:
Good luck & nice week!

Job 1

Job 2

Job 3   page 6  / page 7  /  Page 8  /  Page 9


6º Ed. Primaria

         Here you are two worksheets to review the unit 4 of All about us. I think you have done them but it is good to reinforment.

Here you are a video to practice irregular verbs. First of all you have to review the list of irregular verbs I gave you time ago. Then do the activity writing the words down in your notebook while the video is running. Finally correct the exercice. Good luck!

Ficha 1

Ficha 2


page | by Dr. Radut