Hi everyone! (Ola a todo o mundo)
How are you? (Como estades?)
and....What's up with the letter S? (e... Que tal coa letra S?)
As "teachers" de Arts and crafts, e Cristian, o noso auxiliar de conversa, deixámosvos unhas suxerencias para facer Snakes and Snails, que empezan por S, con cousiñas que podedes atopar por casa como
empty yogurt plastic cups, plastic cups, string, colored papers to cut into strips and scissors... like this
And you are ready to make this:
Do you like them?
We are looking forward to see your sanils and snakes
(estamos desexando ver os teus snails and snakes)
Send us to esperanzamartinez@edu.xunta.es
And now we want to invite you to
"Cristian's Challenge"
"O reto de Cristian"
Can you make a Ninja Star?
If you can, send it us to
See you soon.