Our 6th graders have been writing about very weird creatures. Here you have some examples:

1º) My creature is part Panda and part Koala. It's got a Koala head and tail and a Panda body and legs. It can climb like a Koala and it can swim like a Panda. It's called KOANDA. It's a safe animal. It's the cleverest animal in the world.It's the most beautiful creature in China, but it's diferent to the others animals in the planet because he likes going to the market or visiting the museums and he likes going to the amusement parks!


2º)My mythical creature is called SNAKEAGLE and it´s part snake, part eagle, part dinosaur and part shark. It's very dangerous and it's the bravest animal in the world. It's 15 mts. long. 


3º) My mythical creature is part turtle, part bear. It's got turtle legs and body, and a bear head. It can swim like a turtle and run like a beare. It's a TURTBEAR!. It isn´t dangerous. It's very safe and clever. It's the strongest creature in the world. It's from North America and Spain. 


4º) My creature is part mouse and part bird. It's got a mouse head and body and bird wings and legs. It can run like a mouse and fly like a bird. It's called PATRICIO. it's a dangerous creature and it's very strong and brave. You can be its friend then it will protect you.


5º) This is my mythical creature: It's part butterfly and part giraffe. It's got a giraffe body and head and butterfly wings and anennas. It's very beautiful and dangerous. Its the...GIRFLY!. It usually attacks those who look at him just because. It's the most dangerous creature in the world.


6º) My mythical creature is part elephant and part hen. It's got an elephant head, ears and body and hen legs, wings crest and tail. It can fly and sleep. It's called HENPHANT!. I really like it. It's very safe to be near an henphant because it is the most frightened creature in the world. It's very silly and strong.

7º)My monster is called "THE MAMADISIMO" and it has the intelligence of the cleverest human in the Earth. It's heavy like the iron, fast like a velocirraptor and strong like a megalodón. He can perform mountains easy and win a battle against a dragon. Only Jesus Christ can win "The mamadisimo" in a battle because Jesus Christ is invencible. 

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