Hello and welcome to The Kid Can Cook! Today we’ve got, as usual, 3 contestants: Mary Kant, Peter Donagh and Alex Tallen. They have prepared 3 extremely original dishes:  Hot Dog for Dessert, Flower Pizza and Sandwich Mopeds. Yummy!

The jury has valued: healthiness (based on the nutritients), smell, taste, look, texture and originality.

And the winner is…. Peter! Now, jury, can you tell us why?

Sure! Mary’s Hot dog dessert has got fresh fruit (except for the sponge cakes; they are from the supermarket). So it’s got some added fat and sugar, but also a lot of vitamins and fiber. It’s 5 points healthy. It doesn’t smell much, you have to go really near to smell the fruit, so it’s another 5. But the rest is better: you got 8 point in taste, look, texture (the juicy fruit mixes nice with the dry cake) and originality.

Sandwich mopeds are extremely original. So, that’s a 10, and they look awesome. So, another 10 for their appearance. Well done, Alex. They’re not really smelly (5 points) and the texture is a bit soft (4 points) but they’re tasty (10 points). BUT it’s all from ready-made foods, so it’s not healthy at all. You got a 0 for the nutrients. There aren’t many vitamins (only some cucumber) and there’s a lot of added fat and sugar to the protein.

And third, Peter’s Flower Pizza is quite healthy (only the base is from the supermarket).There are a lot of vitamins and protein the tomato, the pepper and the cheese so that’s 8 points. It smells really nice, not only like the ingredients, but also like some herb. Oregano,  I think… So it’s a 10. I don’t really like the uncooked pepper, so that’s a 4 in taste and another 4 in texture… Finally, it looks great and the bees add a really original touch. And that’s two tens in look and originality.

So, if we add all the scores, we have Mary in the third place with 34 points. Alex is the second with 39; and Peter is the winner with 42 points!
Última modificación: lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015, 20:57