
Site: Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación - Aula virtual
Course: Pronunciation matters - Nuria Calvo e Susana Aldao
Book: P.E.
Printed by: Usuario convidado
Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 4:34 PM


Watch the video 

1. Action songs

Watch the video Stretch and count and repeat the actions

1.1. Parts of the body

How many parts of the body can you think of? Write them down

Have a look at this poster to help you remind some of them

1.2. Parts of the body 2

Now try to fill in the gaps

1.3. Order the actions 1-14

Can you remember the order of the actions? Order them 1-14

Stretch up to the air 1
Touch your knees.
Jump up and down.
Swing your arms side to side.
Reach all the way over.
Touch tour shoulders.
Put your elbows to your hips.
Sit down and touch your toes.
Do a little spin.
Touch your head.
Take a deep breath in.
Touch your knees.
Touch your toes.

1.4. Match with the pronunciation

Now listen again and put the verbs in order (They are in phonetic symbols)

  • /teɪk/
  • /sɪt/
  • /swɪŋ/
  • /riːtʃ/
  • /pʊt/
  • /tʌtʃ/
  • /stretʃ/

Now do the same with parts of the body

  • /ɑːmz/
  • /ˈelbəʊz/
  • /təʊz/
  • /niːz/
  • /hɪps/
  • /hed/
  • /ˈʃəʊldə/

1.5. Twist

1.6. TPR: Do the actions

Here are the actions in the song:

Listen to the teacher and repeat the actions

  • Twist your right hand
  • Twist your left hand
  • Twist your right foot
  • Twist your left foot
  • Twist your right hip
  • Twist your left hip
  • Twist your right knee
  • Twist your left knee
  • Turn around
  • Shake it down and twist
  • Everybody, stop!!
  • Everybody, drop!!
  • Dance to the music
  • Do three hops