Consonants in English

Site: Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación - Aula virtual
Course: Pronunciation matters - Nuria Calvo e Susana Aldao
Book: Consonants in English
Printed by: Usuario convidado
Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024, 7:08 PM



1. Warm-up

Pre-teach activity:

  • Write down the consonants in Spanish
  • Now do the same with the consonants in Galician language
  • In these two languages, do the consonants represent the same sounds?
  • And what about English? How many consonants are there? Do they represent the same sound?

Work in pairs and complete the chart.

Language Consonants Sounds

2. Consonant chart

Here you can see the consonant chart.

As you can see there are 24 consonants ( /w/ and /j/ can also be considered semi consonants or semi vowels)

Now you can listen to them.    

3. Consonants p/b/t/d


Vowel Usual spelling
  • p: pig, pear
  • pp: apple, happy
  • b: bed, boy
  • bb: rubber
  • t: time, tea
  • tt: letter, bottle
  • d: do, day
  • dd: address, middle

4. Consonants tʃ/dʒ/k/g

Vowel Usual spelling
  • ch: church,children
  • tch: watch, match
  • t +ure: picture, adventure 
  • j: judge, January
  • dge: judge, fridge
  • c: colour, car
  • k: kilo, like
  • ck: black, pick
  • g: go, green
  • gg: egg

5. Consonats f/v/θ/ð

Vowel Usual spelling
  • f: five, Friday
  • ph: photo, elephant
  • ff: coffee 
  • v: very, eleven
  • th: think, thumb
  • th: the, this, that

6. Consonants s/z/ʃ/ʒ

Vowel Usual spelling
  • s: six, sister
  • ss: actress 
  • z: zoo, zero
  • s: music, please
  • sh: short, shoe
  • ti: station, information 
  • s: casual, television
  • (Also garage)

7. Consonants m/n/ŋ/h

Vowel Usual spelling
  • m: milk, Monday
  • mm: summer
  • n: no, nine
  • nn: dinner
  • ng: sing, long
  • (Also think, bank) 
  • h: hello, happy
  • (Also who, whose)

8. Consonants l/r/w/j

Vowel Usual spelling
  • l: live, like
  • ll: small
  • r: read, red
  • rr: sorry
  • w: window, witch
  • wh: why, when 
  • y: yes, yellow
  • before u: use