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Inglés, Novas, Pendentes, Actividades, Ligazóns de interese, Programación

2º ESO Irregular T-rap

Yo, Quaranteens!

Do you want to practise our Irregular T-rap? Yes?

Ok. Then, click here to watch the video I made for you today.

And rap with me!

(Well... The things I do for my students!)

(A trapear todos! Trapear: coller un trapo e limpar a túa habitación!)


Tip of the day: Be careful with Google Translate!

Look what happens when you use Google to translate a sentence that is figurative!

Be careful because Google Translate will translate the sentence literally!

Think of another way to say it in Spanish before you translate it into English.

Free Books in English


      Do you want to download free books in English?

     Click here for access to a post with the best sites.

                          (I can try...)

Anthony´s lockdown


Anthony says hello!

Click on the attached file 

Today's LOL

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

             Lyrics Training


Free online tool. Different languages. Select a level. Watch the video. Fill in the gaps. Score points. Have fun!                                  

Click here to access the web.

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by Dr. Radut