881 938200

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Rúa do Cristo s/n

  15620 Mugardos (A Coruña)






ERIN SPRINGER (Curso 2010-2011)


   Living in Spain for the past eight months has been quite an experience. I remember when I first arrived and everyone told me how much it rained here, but the land was very green and beautiful because of it. At times, it was tough adjusting to living here and seeing so much rain, but it was much better than all the snow and blizzards there were in the USA this past winter. I was very happy to be in Galicia with slightly warmer temperatures (and rain, of course) rather than in Kansas City, Missouri shoveling the snow. Once the temperatures rose, the weather was great when it wasn´t raining. I have certainly taken advantage of living so close to the beach and I will definitely miss spendig my afternoons and weekends at beach when I return home.

  Working at IES Mugardos has been great. When I arrived, everyone was very friendly and welcoming. The teachers and the staff here have been extrememly helpful and generous, which has made for an amazing experience.

The stundents were wonderful to teach and get to know in class. Some students may have been more eager to practice English than others, but it´s been a pleasure to get to know each and every one of them. I certainly have a lot of good memories to take home with me and funny stories to tell.

  Other than missing the people I have met and the beautiful beaches, I will also miss the food. I tried octupus for the first time and it was so delicious. I´ll also miss eating dried ham and Spanish omelettes frequently. However, thanks to my cooking lesson, I can prepare a Spanish omelette myself and don´t have to visit Spain to have one.


   Leaving Galicia is bittersweet. I am happy to see my friends and family again in the USA, but I will have to say goodbye to all the great things about Galicia I have loved about living her. However, I can always get on a plane and come back to visit! Good luck to everyone and thank you for making this such an amazing experience!