Proxecto KA2: Z-Wave Digital Home


Radio interview of all partners of Zwave Digital Home Project in Greece (22nd March 2019)


We had a great time talking about the Z-Wave project with our international partners. You can listen to the audio of the podcast here.

The High School "2nd EPAL NEAS IONIAS" from Volos have also a live online radio streaming at all times. You can check it out here.

#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus


4th transnational meeting on 21st and 22nd March was held in Volos (Greece)

Here there are some photos of the fourth transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project: Z-Wave Digital Home, which took place at Second Epal Neas Ionias Volou from Greece, on 21st and 22nd March 2019.

We worked hard and enjoy your huge hospitality.

We will never forget youSonrisa


Thanks also, ITIS L. DA VINCI from Italy for your excepcional work. The Italian students have made a research and they are developing the project with their teachers hand by hand. They have also created several videos to show their project, they have translated into English all the materials and have scheduled their own project with their own gaant and management. Awesome work!!! Here it is a photo of their public exhibition to all the partners

And of the meeting among partners:


#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus


4th transnational meeting in Volos Greece!!!!

Here it is the poster:

#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus

More photos of the panels and models

Things are going onwards and upwards! The models for the window and door are almost finished:


Soon there will be other sensors, such as wind, and the electric distribution panel will be conected.

The panels are also evolving. They are more polished, and more modules are ready to plug:

It gets even cooler in low light!


#CIFPFerrolterra; #FPGalicia;#Erasmus+;#KA202;

Photos 3rd transnational meeting Erasmus +: Z-Wave Digital Home, Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land. Ibbenbüren. Germany

Some photos of the third transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project: Z-Wave Digital Home, which took place at Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land. Ibbenbüren. Germany, on 12th and 13th November 2018. Thanks Christian and Peter for your hospitality.


#CIFPFerrolterra; #FPGalicia;#Erasmus+;#KA202;


Ya están los paneles!!!

El departamento de Madera del CIFP Ferrolterra está trabajando en la construcción de los paneles que soportarán el entrenador domótico del CIFP Ferrolterra. Los paneles están preciosos y superprácticos ya que permiten exponer el entrenador y también trabajar en horizontal con los alumnos. Gracias Cendán! Sonrisa


#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus

Training session by Domotica DaVinci for all our partners


 On 28th september 2018,  we have attended a Training session with all the partners participating in our project Z WAVE DIGITAL HOME PROJECT (ERASMUS PROJECT 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038313). The session was made by videoconference using Hangouts. 

The session was given by Jose Miguel Rubio Vargas of Domótica DaVinci who gives us technical assistance to the project. The session has been perfect! Thanks to all the participants and the magnificent speaker. It was a brilliant speach!

It has been incredible to see how José Miguel, who was in Asturias, acted on our model in Ferrol and at the same time see all our partners and be able to chat and raise technical questions.


#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus

Xornada formativa tecnoloxía ZWave

26/06/2018 11:00
26/06/2018 14:00
A empresa Domotica Davinci, ZWave España, vai impartir unha xornada formativa no CIFP Ferrolterra aos participantes do proxecto Erasmus+ de boas prácticas 2017-1-ES01-KA202- 038313 que estamos a levar a cabo.
Consistirá nunhas nocións de tecnoloxía ZWave e configuración dos dispositivos que compramos para o proxecto ZWave Digital Home.
Invitamos a todo o profesorado de calquera centro e empresas interesadas nesta tecnoloxía que queiran a asistir á Xornada (é gratuita) (non ten certificación).
<<formulario de inscrición>> (prazo ata o 24 de xuño)
#ErasmusPlusES, #MiErasmusPlus, #ErasmusPlus