CEIP San Vicenzo

Galería de imaxes

O Burro
Ao final ao final
o noso burro encontrou 
un lugar ideal
no despacho do director.

Cousas do Entroido!!!

O Burro

Ao final ao final
o noso burro encontrou
un lugar ideal
no despacho do director.

Cousas do Entroido!!!

resized_DSC04483.jpg resized_DSC04481.jpg resized_DSC04484.jpg resized_DSC04472.jpg resized_DSC04479~0.jpg
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somia2   [out 30, 2009 at 11:26 AM]
Or in a broad sense, happiness could be a subject of some social survey, and perhaps, an abstractkids uggs concept injected from outside for people to cultivate a life goal, say, the slogans encouraging people to fulfill a formidable list of have-tos in seeking the so-called happiness. - http://www.auuggs.com
ksdfjk   [feb 03, 2010 at 07:11 AM]
American president will heed them. If he does, and it's Nike air forcehighly possible, he may merit a new nickname as the heir to a political genius who put pragmatism before ideology, François Obama. - http://www.nikespaces.com

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