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6º Curso



Mona Lisa, also called Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, Italian La Gioconda, by Leonardo da Vinci, probably the world’s most famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1519, when Leonardo was living in Florence, and it now hangs in the Louvre Museum (Paris),  where it remained an object of pilgrimage in the 21st century.

As explained in class, task 2.3 consists of designing your own "Mona Lisa" from her hands and head. Remember that you have to provide a background too. You can find more examples in Aula Virtual.

I can´t wait to see your work!!!


Ancient Times




Roman mosaics are designs made from tiny coloured stones and broken pottery called tessera. They showed different scenes of history and everyday Roman life. The Greeks were the first to make mosaics and started by using pebbles, the Romans copied using stone.


This week our task will be the reproduction of a roman mosaic. Go to Aula Virtual to see the model you have to follow. 


New Year, New Projects

This trimester is going to be quite interesting because we are going to go over the different periods of art history.

We will start from medieval times. Remember what we explained in class ? So, you will design an illuminated letter with the initial of your name.


I can´t wait to see your proposals !!




You can find more examples at Aula Virtual.




Let´s draw a snowflake!




Winter is almos here. Some people hate it and some people love it. Every time we hear the word "winter" , we think about cold weather, rain, snow, Christmas... But if you were asked to describe it with one symbol, what woud it be? Most of us would probably think of a white, beautiful and icy snowflake, don´t you think?So, the last task of this trimester will be to draw wonderful snowflake. As usual, you can find the step-by-step tutorial in Aula Virtual

IMPORTANT: due to the end of the first trimester, drawing blocs will be collected next Monday (all projects must be included!!)



Winter is coming...




After Thanksgiving celebration, we have to say goodbye to autum because winter is just around the corner and this means that nights will be longer and colder; in fact, it is the coldest season of the year! 

And this is why, based on what we have learnt about perspective, we are going to draw a winter landscape



REMEMBER you can find the tutorial in AULA VIRTUAL 



Do you know what day is it today? It is Thanksgiving!!

This is a very special date in the USA. It is celebrated every year, on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a national Holiday and it is more important than Christmas. American families gather together for dinner. The main dish is turkey but also there  are other typical dishes: turkey, pie, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes...



Here are some interesting links:





1.8 Draw a turkey


This week we are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, and what is the animal that represents this special date? The turkey! So we are going to learn how to draw a turkey :)

Remember to take into account the proportions!!

   IMPORTANT: You can find the tutorial in AULA VIRTUAL  

Task 1.7 One Perspective Name Design



Remember what we learnt about how artists create space in art? This week we will be learning more about one perspective by creating 3D letters, cool, isn´t it?? So, your task is to design your name or initials using this technique. Remember the tips we explained in class. and after finish it, don´t forge to colour!!!!!

   IMPORTANT: You can find the tutorial in AULA VIRTUAL  









This week we learnt a little bit about how artists can create space in art, the feeling as if you can "walk" into the picture. Do you remember the different techniques?

                  overlap                          height   

                                                    size                 linear perspective  





Now it is your turn to put these concepts into practice: you are going to draw a "One-point perspective city".

   IMPORTANT: You can find the tutorial in AULA VIRTUAL  



5th: How to draw a skull

Hi kids!! We have already celebrated Halloween so, this week we are going to learn how to draw a skull step by step.  Have a look at the tutorial below and remember all the tips we explained in class (proportions, neatness...)

Be patient and enjoy it! :) 



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by Dr. Radut