Erasmus+: Aniversarios Saudables
Aniversarios Saudables
Educación Infantil.
O alumnado de 3 anos do noso colexio está a levar a cabo a celebración dos aniversarios dunha maneira moi especial. Este ano celébranse de xeito saudable. Para isto, as familias veñen a escola e no restaurante de Lúa, axudan a preparar a festa cun menú riquísimo.
Moitas grazas a todas as familias polo esforzo e pola axuda para facer realidade a ilusión dos máis cativos.
Healthy birthdays in Preprimary Education
Students from the 1st cicle of preprimary education are celebrating their birthdays in a very special way this year “Superhealthy birthdays”. Families come to our schools, in Lua´s restaurant, to help teachers and pupils to prepare a great party with the best snacks ever.
Thank all the families for the help and effort.