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Hi, kids! Ola, rapaces!

Today I bring a couple of rhymes to continue reviewing the numbers. You can find them as attached files at the end of this post.

Hoxe traiovos un par de rimas para continuar repasando os números. Podedes atopalos como arquivos vinculados ao final desta entrada.

Once they have watched them you can play them again and stop at the point where the tree with coloured doors appears, so you can review the colours. From top to bottom: red, blue, yellow.

Unha vez os vexan unha vez podedes volvelos a reproducir e pararvos onde sae a árbore coas portas pintadas, e repasar con eles as cores. De arriba a abaixo: red, blue, yellow.

Take care! Coidadevos!


One, two, three, four, five.mp412.59 MB
Five little ducks.mp49.4 MB

blog | by Dr. Radut