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Novos proxectos europeos do noso centro









Arcimboldo "Healthy Art"
In this project we aim to foster healthy habits in our students. They will research about local food, especially fruit and vegetables. They will grow their own “food” learning traditional recipes from their regions. Digital tools will be used to create Art resembling Arcimboldo´s works. Foreign languages studied at partner´s school will be used in a real context to improve their linguistic competences.

Estimadas familias:

Enlazamos o novo proxecto que estamos a realizar dentro da plataforma e-Twinning. Arcimboldo como pretexto para traballar hábitos saudable en relación coa alimentación.

Un saúdo,

Libro dixital

Novos teléfonos

Novos teléfonos do centro:

CONSERXERÍA: 886159531

DIRECCIÓN: 886159532

SECRETARÍA: 886159537

FAX: 886159535



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blog | by Dr. Radut