Types of human-made structures

Massive Structure (Estructura maciza) Stone, rocks or clay blocks are stacked on top of each other.

Egyptian Pyramids and Sphinx
Egyptian Pyramids
Mabdalla (Dominio público)

Lintelled Structure (Estructura adintelada) Short stone or wooden lintels are used to create windows or open spaces. 
A. Savin (CC BY-SA)
Vaulted Structures (Estructura abovedada) Archs and vaultsenable builders to cover large spaces. They can resist compression stresses an are self-supporting.
Christian Battaglia (Dominio público)
Triangulated Structures (Estructuras trianguladas) They are used horizontally to cover large spans and then divided into trusses and triangulated beams. They are made from bars, they are very light, versatile and strong
Axel Antas-Bergkvist (Dominio público)
Lattice Structures  (Estructuras reticulares) They are used in modern blocks of flats. They are built from cement or steel bars that are joined to form a rigid grid.
Alan Weiner (Dominio público)
Suspended Structures  (Estructuras Colgantes) They are hung from tie rods that can be adjusted by tightening or loosening. They can only bear traction stresses.
Suspension Bridge
suspension bridge
Chris Brignola (Dominio público)
Rolled and plate Structures  (Estructuras Laminadas)  They are made from thin sheets of metals, plastics or composites. They are very resistant because they can bend.
Rolls Royce Phantom
Rolls royce
Rajesh Appalla (Dominio público)
Geodesic Structures (Estructuras Geodésicas) They are three-dimensional triangulated structures that cover large spaces and create curved shapes.
Frances Gunn (Dominio público)
Pneumatic Structures (Estructuras neumáticas) They use compressed air inside them, they are light and can easily be dismantled.
Air-supported dome used as a sports and recreation venue
Air supported dome
P199 (Dominio público)

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